eBay Promoted Listings is an advertising service provided by eBay that allows you to get more views on your listings and increase the overall sales through rate of your products by increasing their visibility on eBay.
eBay Promoted Listings is now available through Ad-Lister in two different campaign types:
- Cost Per Sale advertising campaigns
- Cost Per Click advertising campaigns
These campaigns can increase the visibility of your products on Search pages, on the View Item page, My eBay, and Browse pages together with other eBay ad locations exclusive to the Promoted Listings campaigns.

Promoted Listings Standard Campaigns
Promoted Listings Standard can be used with fixed price listings and it is available for products in almost every category, except for Events Tickets, Property, E-Cigarettes, Vapes & Accessories, Wholesale & Job Lots, Cars, Motorcycles & Vehicles, and Everything else. You can apply this to multi and single-quantity listings.
Promoted Listings Standard Campaigns follow the Cost-per-Sale model, making these campaigns ideal for small to medium-sized businesses because they come without any risks of losing money on advertising, as the seller only gets charged for the advertising cost if they make a sale.
Promoted Listings Advanced Campaigns
Promoted Listings Advanced advertising involves more knowledge when it comes to search queries that buyers use to find your products or products that are similar to yours. Promoted Listings Advanced is available to sellers that meet certain criteria. This campaign type uses an industry-standard Cost-per-click format, making it easy to use for people that have experience in running PPC campaigns. This advertising method is ideal for large merchants that have a specialized marketing department that can keep an eye on how the keywords are performing.