
eBay Premium Service requirement changes delayed

  eBay Premium Service requirement changes delayed As a Top Rated Seller on eBay, you can offer a Premium Service to your customers. As always, there are certain requirements for this that you’ll need to comply with. The recent Spring Seller Update introduced new rules that you’ll have to follow in order to be able […]

The Ad-Lister app is here!

Have you ever wanted to add, manage or list your products on eBay directly from your smartphone? Are you finding eBay’s mobile page too cumbersome to use? Well, we’re excited to let you know that the  Ad-Lister App is finally here. There has never been a better time for you to give Ad-Lister a try! […]

Getting rid of old, non-compliant eBay designs

If you’re a long-time eBay seller and you’ve had a custom design created for your store, maybe a couple of years ago, and now you’re thinking about giving your listings a brand new, refreshing look, then we’re happy to let you know that we are here to help with new compliant eBay designs. You might […]

The future of E-commerce

E-commerce – by definition, it means buying and selling products or services over the internet- it’s something we participate in on a daily basis, we spend hours browsing for products online, or we use it to pay our bills.   1995 was the year when it all began for the largest online retailer in the […]

The end of Geo-blocking

The European Union is banning unjustified geo-blocking on eCommerce sites When trying to access a foreign site, you have most probably encountered the problem that it did not let you access it. This is because of Geo-blocking. When a website uses Geo-blocking, they are denying you the ability to view or purchase products on that […]

Amazon is one of UK’s largest marketplaces – start selling now!

As of today, Amazon is UK’s fifth largest retailer, accounting for over 15% of total online sales. Amazon’s success comes from the fact that more and more people are purchasing goods online, from the comfort of their homes. Also, having very competitive prices, and generally free or cheap shipping options makes Amazon a truly competitive […]

Fulfillment by eBay becoming a reality

Fulfillment by eBay ? Yes you’ve read it right!   eBay US sellers have already been asked direct questions about fulfillment services in a recent eBay survey, thus leaving us to speculate that eBay is slowly setting things in motion for a fulfillment service similar to the service that Amazon offers (FBA). eBay has seen drops […]

eBay will say goodbye to PayPal soon

    We all followed the big separation in 2015, when after more than 10 years of partnership, PayPal and eBay „divorced”. Some of us were sad, others were quite excited to see what new opportunities this will bring. PayPal and eBay still have an agreement until 2020 to process payments in the backend through […]

Listing products on Amazon using Ad-Lister

Listing products on Amazon has just got a lot easier. With Ad-Lister you can push your products to Amazon in just a few clicks. This feature comes as a paid add-on to your existing Ad-Lister license and it was specially developed to make running your online business easier, faster and a lot simpler. You won’t […]

eBay Introducing Guaranteed Delivery

    Here is one of the newest features eBay have just launched. At the end of last year it rolled out on and it is now rolling out on eBay Australia as well. This feature gives buyers the option of buying products that are to arrive on a guaranteed date. If the delivery […]


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