Listing products on Amazon using Ad-Lister

Listing products on Amazon has just got a lot easier. With Ad-Lister you can push your products to Amazon in just a few clicks.

This feature comes as a paid add-on to your existing Ad-Lister license and it was specially developed to make running your online business easier, faster and a lot simpler.

You won’t need to hire extra staff to take care of your Amazon listings because this feature is fully integrated with our software, making it easy to use by anyone with minimal knowledge of Ad-Lister.

The advantages of purchasing this feature are the following:

  • You don’t need any additional software to list on both eBay and Amazon


  • You don’t have to create different products to list on different platforms, you can use the same product details to list on multiple platforms


  • Ad-Lister allows you to quickly set up the Amazon details of the products that you would like to list


  • You can use Ad-Lister to list products on Amazon in bulk



Listing your products on Amazon will allow you to access its vast customer base, thus making your products more visible to the masses – increasing the chances that they will get sold.

If you’re on Amazon, you won’t have trouble building up the confidence of the customer to convince them to buy something because it already has a built-in trust that transfers when a customer purchases something.

When can I start listing products on Amazon?

To start listing products on Amazon you would need us to activate the Post to Amazon feature on your Ad-Lister account and to map all of your products accordingly.  The whole process might take up to a week, depending on the workload of our developers.

If you are interested in this feature, please contact us on 0121 285 1052 and one of our support staff will be glad to help you out with further information.

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